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The Streaming Media Handbook

   by Eyal Menin / Eyal Menin

    Prentice Hall PTR
    17 July, 2002


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Editorial description(s):

From Book News, Inc.
For readers without technical experience, this guide to adding streaming media to a Web site explains steps needed to prepare video or audio for streaming on the Internet or on private networks and guides readers in choosing the proper tools for using streaming media technology. Simple terms and illustrations lead readers step-by-step through the installation of hardware and software, and examples and case studies illustrate solutions for various situations for all three leading media formats: Real, Windows Media, and QuickTime. Menin is a partner in a technology consulting firm.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Book Info
Covers streaming infrastructure, production, coding, and delivery. Presents extensive examples using QuickTime, Windows Media, and Real. Case studies are detailed. Softcover.

From the Back Cover

The real-world guide to delivering streaming media--no experience needed!

More and more Web sites are discovering the compelling advantages of streaming media. But delivering high-performance, reliable, cost-effective media across the Internet can be extremely challenging?especially for Web professionals who've never done it before. Now, you can master streaming media step by step, with guidance from an expert who has produced webcasts for U2, The Rolling Stones, and dozens of enterprise clients. Eyal Menin covers every facet of streaming video infrastructure, production, coding, and delivery, including:

The book's many examples encompass all three leading media formats--Real, Windows Media, and QuickTime. Also included: practical guidance on measuring the success of your streaming media initiative, plus three detailed corporate case studies.

About the Author

EYAL MENIN, a veteran of the streaming media industry, has produced more than 50 entertainment and corporate webcasts, including webcasts for U2, Diana Ross, and the Rolling Stones. Currently a partner in UVision, Inc., a technology consulting firm, he designs streaming media networks and develops interactive multimedia applications. Menin served for two years as President of the New York Chapter of the International Television Association.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.


Streaming Media Handbook will help many readers without technical experience add streaming media to their Web site. The book takes a basic approach, explaining the steps needed to prepare video or audio for streaming on the Internet or on private networks. I had the idea to write this book when I realized that most guides about streaming technology primarily addressed an audience that had extensive computer and network experience. Until now the exciting world of streaming video was a privilege only few could enjoy; one had to have technical knowledge of computers and basic video production skills. The purpose of this book is to simplify terms, share knowledge, and guide readers in choosing the proper tools to help them use streaming media technology in their day-to-day tasks.

Who Should Read This Book

This book is designed for readers of all levels, from the novice to the expert. Streaming Media Handbook is for everyone interested in learning how to stream media on the Internet, on a corporate local area network (LAN), or on a wireless local area network (WLAN). The book covers basic setup procedures that apply to every industry. Whether you work in the entertainment industry, you want to post media on your small-business Web site, or you are planning to add rich media to an enterprise network, this book shows you the steps necessary to reach your goal.

First-time users of streaming technology will find that this book uses simple terms and is easy to read. An illustrated guide leads you step-by-step through the installation of hardware and software, making it a task anyone can perform. Advanced readers will find useful information in the chapters explaining the latest software and streaming media tools on the market as well as detail configuration tips to operate media servers behind firewalls. Experienced users can apply the examples and case studies to their environments, helping them identify similarities and apply solutions to situations previous streaming guides did not address.

How This Book Is Organized

Streaming Media Handbook is divided into three parts. The first part (Chapters 1-5) provides a comprehensive overview of the preproduction process, which makes your video ready for streaming. The second part (Chapters 6-11) explains the various hardware and software products on the market. This part compares core streaming technologies such as QuickTime, RealMedia, and Windows Media, and helps you select the appropriate technology for your needs. This part also provides a step-by-step guide to setting up encoding workstations and to setting up media servers for the distribution of media on-demand or live webcasting. The last part (Chapters 12-13) has useful resources for all readers. It includes a list of streaming media providers, hardware and software companies, and online marketing techniques to promote media on the Internet. This part also has three case studies in which streaming media technologies were used.

A Companion Web Site

With the purchase of this book you are eligible for free online technical support from the author. Log on to and enter the necessary information. After doing so, you will be eligible to receive instant access to updated resources that cover software upgrades, and to receive more information about products mentioned in the book.

Tools You Will Need

To further your knowledge of streaming media technology, I recommend that you create a laboratory environment where you can practice setting up streaming media. This laboratory environment will let you practice with hardware and software installations before you do the real thing. You can learn how to configure a dedicated encoding workstation and distribution media server. These computers can be part of a local area network or placed on the Internet. As descr ibed later in the book, some software installations are available for Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh operating systems. Streaming Media Handbook is addressing installations only on the Windows operating system. Read Chapters 6-10 to learn how to configure encoding workstations and media servers. These chapters are a useful guide for the preparation, storage, and display of streaming files.


The streaming media industry is growing rapidly. From a small jerky image streamed over a dialup connection to a global solution that provides enhanced communication tools, streaming technology has taken our world by storm. Streaming media has become widely used by small businesses as well as large enterprises. Today, companies that provide streaming media services are traded on the open stock market. The ability to instantly deliver a message in a cost-effective way across cities, states, and countries has changed our world. A technology that belonged to few is now used by many, opening up the world to an exciting and promising future. I hope this book helps you to better understand streaming technology and its potential. As you read you will notice that the book debunks the myth that has clouded streaming technology since its early days. In many ways the ability to stream video is similar to keeping fit at your local gym. You cannot stay in good shape simply by paying your monthly dues. You must also exercise. The information in this book gives you the equipment to train with; it offers you the knowledge to compress analog or digital video and to distribute streaming media on the Internet or on your local area network. Once you have this tool it is up to you to exercise it.

Reader review(s):

Good...I guess, May 27, 2003
I had very high expectations when I began to read this book, and I dont feel like they were fulfilled. It is a nice introduction for beginners to the world of advanced computing. However, for anyone who has been toying around with streaming media, this is probably not the book for you. Actually, I'm not sure that there is a book for you (at least I haven't found it yet). This book is extremely general, which I can excuse because of the nature of the subject matter. The author does use some wierd names for devices, though. For example, he calls a power supply a "power housing". Errors in terminology aside, the book did not seem to have any kind of definite experience level. The author considers advanced network topology and server placement and explains how to install a simple program and how to add RAM. This is a bit odd. Also, with regards to wireless standards, the author writes with a clear bias against the WAP Consortium. At times, the single purpose of the chapter was to attack the standard and those who created it. I cannot entertain the inclusion of a political agenda in a technical reference book. The book does have its advantages. Namely, the fact that it is an introduction for business people who are interested in deploying streaming technology but do not have a wealth of technical knowledge. For the rest of us techies, stay away from this book.

Well done !!!, August 7, 2002
Finally a book that explains how to start streaming. No walk around, no sophisticated language. Straight step by step explanation of how to configure a workstation or a media server. many other books that talk about streaming media concentrate on the development of web pages, or emphasize the production process. The Streaming Media Handbook covers in short the production process, but just as an overview. It covers how to prepare web pages to display streaming content, but just as a tool to test your streams. And what is more important then learning how to start streaming. How to connect a video source to your capture card, adjust your encoding tool, and configure your media server to receive a streaming signal? I definitely recommend it! I found helpful charts and product comparison, and a detail break down of software and hardware, showing the pros and cons of each streaming technology. Well done !!!

Extremely informative! Don't leave home without it!!, August 6, 2002
I find my self constantly refering to this has helped me tremendously in optimizing my internal network for streaming. The book covers the basics of video on the web for beginers as well as advanced topics for experienced streaming professionals.

Great book!, December 16, 2002
Covers everything you need to know about streaming, including network setup, coding, customer examples. Definitely one of the best books around.

Great book!, December 16, 2002
Covers everything you need to know about streaming, including network setup, coding, customer examples. Definitely one of the best books around.

Useful! The best reference I've seen out there, August 6, 2002
This is the #1 reference for streaming media. It is a comprehensive and practical guide and contains useful topics. One of the best resources I've seen on streaming!

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