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The Complete Internet and World Wide Web Programming Training Course (2nd Edition)

   by Deitel & Associates / Deitel & Associates / Associates

    Prentice Hall PTR
    30 November, 2001


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Editorial description(s):
A solid jack-of-all-trades reference, this book-and-browser package comes straight from the school of college textbooks--and your outlook will determine whether it's for you. If you find helpful the terse writing, heavy reliance on spot illustrations, and strict end-of-chapter exercises that characterize textbooks, this package will be invaluable to you--it provides a lot of content, and is a perfect set for the corporate trainer or teacher. But, if you're looking for a chatty style, in-depth coverage on specific topics, or lots of asides on how things work in the real world, you might want to look elsewhere.

The book itself proceeds in a very linear fashion, and evidently has been written in a course style--starting with the basics, and each chapter building on the last. In this, it works nicely. It starts off with simple HTML and table structures, and moves into the simplest of scripting languages (JavaScript, natch)--spending five chapters and various exercises to teach the reader the basics of programming and programming techniques. Variables, arrays, input methodologies, functions, and simple object-oriented concepts all are covered clearly and concisely in various small programs. After JavaScript has been explained thoroughly, the book moves on to the more global performance-enhancing suite of using "Dynamic HTML"; then, it covers multimedia, and ends up on the heavy-hitting topics of client-side scripting, databases, and e-commerce. When you finish, you'll have under your belt an industrial-strength overview and understanding of Web programming issues.

Every chapter has the same strength and weakness; each subtopic is covered meticulously with a brief, well-written exercise--but only one. If that particular exercise doesn't make it clear to you (because the book uses each chapter as a stepping stone to a more advanced topic), you could misunderstand large sections of the rest of the book--rather like missing a class in the middle of a calculus course. Thankfully, Deitel's eye for solid examples and good writing keeps the danger of this disaster to a minimum, but the singleton nature of the samples means that you might have to do a lot of outside exercises for maximum reinforcement and retention.

There are other subtle difficulties, too. For one thing, the book has in-depth coverage of Microsoft Visual InterDev in a chapter, but does not provide a trial copy of InterDev--mentioning, in an embarrassed side note, that InterDev only comes with the classroom edition. The end-of-chapter exercises are left without answers--obviously to be given later in the instructor's manual, and leaving you to research whether you were right or not. Above all, this book definitely is aimed at the programmer, and not the designer or global Web master. Scant coverage is given to such critical design-worthy topics as page size, differences between GIF and JPEG, differences in browser interpretation, and advanced use of tables to provide complex graphical interfaces. If you want extremely functional pages, this is the place to go--but you'll need another book to help you design beautiful and quick-loading pages.

The CD-ROM is somewhat disappointing; it's mostly an expanded version of the book, transported to HTML format. You'll find code samples, which are always helpful, but no examples of live Web pages that have the code already programmed in. The questions in the end-of-chapter live examinations are ridiculously easy ("Primary key fields may not contain duplicate values: T/F"). There's a lot of content here, and this CD-ROM would be ideal for business and mass-training purposes--where an easily portable and wide-ranging format is necessary--but it might be a bit of a disappointment for the individual user.

In short, this is a fine package for trainers, teachers, and individuals who like classroom learning. It presents the core topics well, will give you a deep understanding of the issues, and is as comprehensive a book as you could hope for--given that it covers such an incredibly wide range of topics. --William Steinmetz
--This text refers to the

From Library Journal
Because of competing standards, browsers, and platforms, the web is basically a chaotic mess, making it difficult for web masters to design anything. Harvey and Paul Deitel and T.R. Nieto attempt to put all the information a web designer needs in one place in a moderately organized fashion. They cover everything: paint programs, html, dhtml, JavaScript, cascading style sheets, Perl, CGI, Apache, e-commerce, animation, and much more. The authors definitely favor a coding (Microsoft) approach over a graphic design (Mac-based) method. More a textbook for a two-term introduction to web programming than an in-depth study of any single aspect of web programming, this book is a good starting point, but a beginner will learn more with a good teacher as a guide. An advanced programmer will also find it useful as an excellent ready-reference. Recommended for all libraries.
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Book News, Inc.
New edition of an interactive course in World Wide Web programming. Topics include learning to build robust client-side, server side, and enterprise applications; and programming in JavaScript, DHTML, VBScript, ASP, WML, XML, XHTML, Perl, CGI, PHP, Python, Flash, and more. Includes a training CD-ROM, and a second CD-ROM containing Microsoft Agent 2.0, PHP 4.05, MySQL 3.23, Apache Web Server for Windows, and other programs.Copyright © 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Book Info
Provides comprehensive coverage of Web development techniques: Master HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, VBScript, Perl, CGI, and ActiveX with twelve hours of expert audio, hundreds fo ready-to-run client and server-side programs, and hands-on exercises. Designed for beginners, programmers moving to Web development, and pros who want better skills. Text with CD-ROM included. --This text refers to the

From the Inside Flap

Live in fragments no longer. Only connect.
--Edward Morgan Forster

Welcome to the exciting world of Internet and World Wide Web programming. This book is by an old guy and two young guys. The old guy (HMD; Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1967) has been programming and/or teaching programming for 38 years. The two young guys (PJD; MIT 1991 and TRN; MIT 1992) have each been programming and/or teaching programming for 18 years. The old guy programs and teaches from experience; the young guys do so from an inexhaustible reserve of energy. The old guy wants clarity; the young guys want performance. The old guy seeks elegance and beauty; the young guys want results. We got together to produce a book we hope you will find informative, challenging and entertaining.

The Internet and the World Wide Web are evolving rapidly, if not explosively. This creates tremendous challenges for us as authors, for our publisher -- Prentice Hall, for instructors, and for students and professional people.

The World Wide Web now increases the prominence of the Internet in information systems, strategic planning and implementation. Organizations want to integrate the Internet "seamlessly" into their information systems. Why We Wrote Internet and World Wide Web How to Program

Dr. Harvey M. Deitel taught introductory programming courses in universities for 20 years with an emphasis on developing clearly written, well-designed programs. Much of what is taught in these courses is the basic principles of programming with an emphasis on the effective use of control structures and functionalization. We present these topics in Internet and World Wide Web How to Program exactly the way HMD has done in his university courses. Our experience has been that students handle the material in the early chapters on control structures and functions in about the same manner as they handle introductory Pascal or C courses. There is one noticeable difference though: students are highly motivated by the fact that they are learning three leading-edge scripting languages (JavaScript, VBScript and Perl) and a leading-edge programming paradigm (object-based programming) that will be immediately useful to them as they leave the university environment for a world in which the Internet and the World Wide Web have a massive new prominence.

Our goal was clear: to produce a textbook for introductory university-level courses in computer programming for students with little or no programming experience while offering the depth and the rigorous treatment of theory and practice demanded by traditional, upper-level programming courses and satisfying professionals' needs. To meet this goal, we produced a comprehensive book that patiently teaches the principles of control structures, object-based programming and various markup languages (HTML, Dynamic HTML and XML) and scripting languages (JavaScript, VBScript and Perl). After mastering the material in this book, students will be well prepared to take advantage of the Internet and the Web as they take upper-level programming courses and enter industry.

Internet and World Wide Web How to Program is the fifth book in the Deitel/Prentice Hall How to Program series. It is distinguished by its focus on Web-based application development (emphasized in our server-side treatment). We wrote it fresh on the heels of Java How to Program: Third Edition.

We have emphasized color throughout the book. Almost from the start, the World Wide Web has been a colorful, multimedia-intensive medium. It appeals to both our visual and auditory senses. Someday it may even appeal to our senses of touch, taste and smell as well! We suggested to our publisher, Prentice Hall, that they should publish this book in color. The use of color in this book is crucial to understanding and appreciating scores of the book's programs. We hope it helps you develop more appealing Web-based applications.

M any books about the Web concentrate on developing attractive Web pages. We certainly discuss that subject intensely. However, the key focus of this book is really Web-based applications development. Our audiences want to build real-world, industrial-strength, Web-based applications. These audiences care about good looking Web pages. But they also care about client/server systems, databases, distributed computing, etc.

Many books about the Web are reference manuals with exhaustive listings of features. That is not our style. We concentrate on creating real applications. We provide the live-code examples on the CD accompanying this book so that you can run the applications, and see and hear for yourself the multimedia outputs. You can interact with our game programs and art programs.

The Web is an artist's paradise. Your creativity is your only limitation. But the Web contains so many tools and mechanisms to leverage your abilities that even if you are not artistically inclined, you can still create stunning outputs. Our goal is to help you master these tools and mechanisms so that you can maximize your creativity and development abilities. Not only will the Web help you increase your productivity, but it will also open up to you whole new areas of expertise that you never thought you had.

We are excited about the enormous range of possibilities the Internet and the Web offer. We have worked hard to create hundreds of useful live-code examples to help you master Internet and Web programming quickly and effectively. All of the code examples are on the accompanying disk and are available for free download from our Web site:


Dynamic HTML is a means of adding "dynamic content" to World-Wide-Web pages. Instead of Web pages with only text and static graphics, Web pages "come alive" with audios, videos, animations, interactivity, and three-dimensional imaging. Dynamic HTML's features are precisely what businesses and organizations need to meet today's information processing requirements. So we immediately viewed Dynamic HTML as having the potential to become one of the world's key general-purpose programming languages.

People want to communicate. People need to communicate. Sure, they have been communicating since the dawn of civilization, but computer communications have been mostly limited to digits, alphabetic characters and special characters. The next major wave in communications is surely multimedia. People want to transmit pictures and they want those pictures to be in color. They want to transmit voices, sounds and audio clips. They want to transmit full-motion color video. And at some point, they will insist on three-dimensional, moving-image transmission. Our current flat, two-dimensional televisions will eventually be replaced with three-dimensional versions that turn our living rooms into "theaters-in-the-round." Actors will perform their roles as if we were watching live theater. Our living rooms will be turned into miniature sports stadiums. Our business offices will enable video conferencing among colleagues half a world apart as if they were sitting around one conference table. The possibilities are intriguing and the Internet is sure to play a key role in making many of these possibilities become reality.

There have been predictions that the Internet will eventually replace the telephone system. Why stop there? It could also replace radio and television as we know them today. It's not hard to imagine the Internet and the World Wide Web replacing the newspaper with completely electronic news media. Many newspapers and magazines already offer Web-based versions, some fee based and some free. Increased bandwidth is making it possible to stream audio and video over the Web. Companies and even individuals already run their own Web-based radio and television stations. Just a few decades ago, there were only a few television stations. Today, standard cable boxes accommodate about 100 stations. In a few more years, we will have access to thousands of stations broadcasting over t he Web worldwide. This textbook you are reading may someday appear in a museum alongside radios, TVs and newspapers in an "early media of ancient civilization" exhibit.

One exciting possibility is that people with disabilities will be able to take advantage of computing and communications through the Internet and especially through the Web. In this regard, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is pursuing its Web Accessibility Initiative. Information about the Web Accessibility Initiative is available at


The goal of the WAI is to transform the Web into a medium in which all people, are able to access and use the technology and information available. Teaching Approach

Internet and World Wide Web How to Program contains a rich collection of examples, exercises, and projects drawn from many fields to provide the student with a chance to solve interesting real-world problems. The book concentrates on the principles of good software engineering and stresses program clarity. We avoid arcane terminology and syntax specifications in favor of teaching by example. The book is written by educators who spend most of their time teaching edge-of-the-practice topics in industry classrooms worldwide. The text emphasizes good pedagogy.

Live-Code Teaching Approach

The book is loaded with hundreds of live-code examples. This is the focus of the way we teach and write about programming, and the focus of each of our multimedia Cyber Classrooms as well. Each new concept is presented in the context of a complete, working program immediately followed by one or more windows showing the program's input/output dialog. We call this style of teaching and writing our live-code approach. We use the language to teach the language. Reading these programs is much like entering and running them on a computer.

Internet and World Wide Web How to Program "jumps right in" with HTML programming from Chapter 3, then rapidly proceeds with programming in JavaScript, Microsoft's Dynamic HTML, VBScript, Perl and XML. Students really want to "cut to the chase." There is great stuff to be done in all these languages so let's get right to it! Web programming is not trivial by any means, but it's fun and students can see immediate results. Students can get graphical, animated, multimedia-based, audio-intensive, database-intensive, network-based programs running quickly through "reusable components." They can implement impressive projects. They can be much more creative and productive in a one- or two-semester course than is possible in introductory courses taught in conventional programming languages such as C, C++, Visual Basic and Java. World Wide Web Access

All of the code for Internet and World Wide Web How to Program (and our other publications) is on the Internet free for download at the Deitel & Associates, Inc. Web site


Please download all the code then run each program as you read the text. Make changes to the code examples and immediately see the effects of those changes. It's a great way to learn programming by doing programming. Note: You must respect the fact that this is copyrighted material. Feel free to use it as you study, but you may not republish any portion of it in any form without explicit permission from Prentice Hall and the authors. Objectives

Each chapter begins with a statement of Objectives. This tells the student what to expect and gives the student an opportunity, after reading the chapter, to determine if he or she has met these objectives. It is a confidence builder and a source of positive reinforcement.


The learning objectives are followed by quotations. Some are humorous, some are philosophical, and some offer interesting insights. Our students enjoy relating the quotations to the chapter material. Many of the quotations are worth a "second look" after you read each chapter. Outline

The chapter Outline helps the student approach the material in top-down fashion. This, too, helps students anticipate what is to come and set a comfortable and effective learning pace.

10,889 Lines of Code in 202 Example Programs (with Program Outputs)

We present features in the context of complete, working programs. This is the focus of our teaching and our writing. We call it our "live-code" approach. Each program is followed by the outputs produced when the document is rendered and its scripts are executed. This enables the student to confirm that the programs run as expected. Reading the book carefully is much like entering and running these programs on a computer. The programs range from just a few lines of code to substantial examples with several hundred lines of code. Students should download all the code for the book from our Web site and run each program while studying that program in the text. The programs are available at deitel/ 499 Illustrations/Figures

An abundance of charts, line drawings and program outputs is included. The discussion of control structures, for example, features carefully drawn flowcharts. Note: We do not teach flowcharting as a program development tool, but we do use a brief, flowchart-oriented presentation to specify the precise operation of JavaScript's control structures. 367 Programming Tips

We have included programming tips to help students focus on important aspects of program development. We highlight hundreds of these tips in the form of Good Programming Practices, Common Programming Errors, Testing and Debugging Tips, Performance Tips, Portability Tips, Software Engineering Observations and Look-and-Feel Observations. These tips and practices represent the best we have gleaned from a combined seven decades of programming and teaching experience. One of our students -- a mathematics major -- told us that she feels this approach is like the highlighting of axioms, theorems, and corollaries in mathematics books; it provides a foundation on which to build good software.

77 Good Programming Practices

When we teach introductory courses, we state that the "buzzword" of each course is "clarity," and we highlight as Good Programming Practices techniques for writing programs that are clearer, more understandable, more debuggable, and more maintainable.

95 Common Programming Errors

Students learning a language tend to make certain errors frequently. Focusing the students' attention on these Common Programming Errors helps students avoid making the same errors. It also helps reduce the long lines outside instructors' offices during office hours!

30 Testing and Debugging Tips

When we first designed this "tip type," we thought we would use it strictly to describe how to test and debug programs. In fact, many of the tips simply describe aspects of markup languages and scripting languages that reduce the likelihood of introducing "bugs" in the first place and thus simplify the testing and debugging process for programs.

36 Performance Tips

In our experience, teaching students to write clear and understandable programs is by far the most important goal for a first programming course. But students want to write the programs that run the fastest, use the least memory, require the smallest number of keystrokes, or dazzle in other nifty ways. Students really care about performance. They want to know what they can do to "turbo charge" their programs. So we have included many Performance Tips that highlight opportunities for improving program performance.

25 Portability Tips

Some programmers assume that if they implement a Web application, the application will automatically be "perfectly" portable across all browsers. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. We include Portability Tips to help students write portable code, and also to provide insights on how complex an issue portability truly is.

87 Software Engineering Observations

The Software Engineering Observations highlight architectural and design issues that affect the construction of software systems, especially large-scale systems. Much of what the student learns here will be useful in upper-level courses and in industry as the student begins to work with large, complex real-world systems.

17 Look-and-Feel Observations

We provide Look-and-Feel Observations to highlight graphical user interface conventions. These observations help students design their own graphical user interfaces to conform with industry norms. Summary (1111 Summary bullets)

Each chapter ends with additional pedagogical devices. We present a thorough, bullet-list-style Summary of the chapter. On average, there are 38 summary bullets per chapter. This helps the students review and reinforce key concepts. Terminology (2445 Terms)

We include in a Terminology section an alphabetized list of the important terms defined in the chapter -- again, further reinforcement. On average, there are 84 terms per chapter. Summary of Tips, Practices and Errors

For ease of reference, we collect at the back of each chapter the Good Programming Practices, Common Programming Errors, Testing and Debugging Tips, Performance Tips, Portability Tips, Software Engineering Observations and Look-and-Feel Observations. 498 Self-Review Exercises and Answers (Count Includes Separate Parts)

Extensive self-review exercises and answers are included for self-study. This gives the student a chance to build confidence with the material and prepare for the regular exercises. Students should attempt all the self-review exercises and check their answers.

590 Exercises (Solutions in Instructor's Manual; Count Includes Separate Parts)

Each chapter concludes with a substantial set of exercises including simple recall of important terminology and concepts; writing individual statements; writing small portions of methods and classes; writing complete methods, classes, applets and applications; and writing major term projects. The large number of exercises across a wide variety of areas enables instructors to tailor their courses to the unique needs of their audiences and to vary course assignments each semester. Instructors can use these exercises to form homework assignments, short quizzes and major examinations. The solutions for most of the exercises are included in the Instructor's Manual and on the disks available only to instructors through their Prentice Hall representatives. Note: Please do not write to us requesting the instructor's manual. Distribution of this publication is strictly limited to college professors teaching from the book. Instructors may obtain the solutions manual only from their regular Prentice Hall representatives. We regret that we cannot provide the solutions to professionals. Solutions to approximately half of the exercises are included on the Internet and World Wide Web Multimedia Cyber Classroom CD (available in bookstores and computer stores; please see the last few pages of this book or visit our Web site at deitel/ for ordering instructions).

Approximately 5800 Index Entries (with approximately 8000 Page References)

We have included an extensive Index at the back of the book. This helps the student find any term or concept by keyword. The Index is useful to people reading the book for the first time and is especially useful to practicing programmers who use the book as a reference. Each of the terms in the Terminology sections appears in the Index (along with many more index items from each chapter). Students can use the Index in conjunction with the Terminology sections to be sure they have covered the key material of each chapter.

"Double Indexing" of All Live-Code Examples and Exercises

Internet and World Wide Web How to Program has 202 live-code examples and 590 exercises (including parts). Many of the exercises are challenging problems or projects requiring substantial effort. We have "double indexed" each of the live-code examples and most of the more challenging projects. For every source-code program in the book, we took the file name and indexed it both alphabetically and as a subindex item under "Examples." This makes it easier to find examples using particular features. The more substantial exercises, such as "Maze Generator and Walker," are indexed both alphabetically (in this case under "M") and as subindex items under "Exercises." Bibliography

An extensive bibliography of books, articles and online documentation is included to encourage further reading. Tour of the Book

As we write this, there exist few formal university courses dedicated solely to programming for the Internet and the World Wide Web. This book is our view of an Internet and World Wide Web programming course -- we felt that writing a book on this subject would prompt faculty to teach these topics.

We welcome any feedback you may have about how to improve this book for future editions. In addition, please let us know if you have Netscape-specific requirements that we might be able to help with so that you may effectively use the book in your classes.

The student should have two key projects in mind while reading through this book, namely: Developing a personal Web site using simple HTML markup and JavaScript coding, and developing a complete client/server, database-intensive Web-based application using techniques taught throughout this book.

The following brief walk-through discusses the exciting technologies covered in the book. Chapter 1 contains a more detailed walk-through.

In Chapter 1 we present some historical information about computers and computer programming, as well as introductory information about the Internet and the World Wide Web. In Chapter 2, we introduce Microsoft's powerful Internet Explorer 5 (IE5) browser and several of its included programs such as Chat, NetMeeting and Outlook Express (included on the CD for both the professional and academic markets).

Chapters 3 and 4 present HTML 4 from the introductory through intermediate levels. We introduce the basics of creating Web pages in HTML using a technique we call the live-code approach. Every concept is presented in the context of a complete working HTML/JavaScript/Dynamic HTML document (or Web page) that is immediately followed by the screen output produced when that HTML document is rendered by Internet Explorer 5. By the end of Chapter 4, students will be creating substantial, visually appealing Web sites.

Chapter 5 is an introduction to Jasc Software's Paint Shop Pro 5 (a 30-day evaluation copy of the software is included on the CD). Great Web pages often come alive with rich graphics and multimedia. This chapter explains how to use many of Paint Shop Pro's powerful graphics capabilities to create images that can add pizzazz to Web pages.

In Chapter 6, we introduce Microsoft FrontPage Express -- a simple WYSIWYG HTML editor that allows you to create Web pages quickly and easily.

Chapter 7 is an Introduction to Microsoft Visual InterDev 6, a heavy-duty, industrial-strength integrated development environment for developing Internet and World-Wide-Web based applications. In this chapter, we discuss the basics of the InterDev environment. In later chapters of the book, you can use InterDev with various server-side technologies such as Active Server Pages to quickly build powerful Web-based applications. Note: Although Chapter 7 is the only chapter of this book that uses Visual InterDev, you can (optionally) choose to use InterDev throughout the book. Readers not interested in using InterDev should simply skip Chapter 7.

Chapters 8 through 13 introduce programming and scripting for nonprogrammers. We use JavaScript to introduce programming, control structures, functions, event handling, arrays and objects (object-based programming). We then use the features of JavaScript in Chapters 14 through 21 to demonstrate dynamic manipulation of We page contents. JavaScript enables us to present fundamental computer-science concepts at the same depth as other programming languages (such as C, C++, Java and Visual Basic), but in the exciting context of the Internet and World Wide Web.

Note: JavaScript was created by Netscape. Microsoft's version is called JScript. The languages are close. Netscape, Microsoft and other companies are cooperating with the European Computer Ma nufacturer's Association (ECMA) to produce a universal, client-side scripting language, the current version of which is referred to as ECMA-262. JavaScript and JScript each conform to this standard. We tested the JavaScript programs in Chapters 8 through 12. Each of these programs works in the latest Netscape and Microsoft browsers.

In Chapters 14 through 20 we teach Dynamic HTML. In these chapters we cover Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the DHTML object model and collections, the event model, filters and transitions, data binding with the Tabular Data Control, and four ActiveX controls useful for enhancing your page's visual appeal -- the Structured Graphics Control, Sprite Control, Sequencer Control, and Path Control. Dynamic HTML is stunning! In these chapters, students will turn their Web sites into dynamic masterpieces. From sorting data on the client side to applying dynamic light filters to images, Dynamic HTML is a truly powerful way to add glitz, glimmer and animation in a way that minimizes the load on your servers and the Internet to your Web pages.

Chapter 21, "Multimedia", is a delight! We focus on the explosion of audio, video and speech technology appearing on the Web. Students will learn how to add sound and video to their Web pages. They learn how to add animated characters which handle both speech synthesis and voice recognition with Microsoft Agent. This chapter demonstrates how to incorporate streaming audio, specifically for the RealNetworks RealPlayer into a Web page. We also demonstrate an example of embedding VRML, the three-dimensional Virtual Reality Modeling Language.

In Chapter 22, we assume the reader is now familiar with the principles of programming and scripting (from studying and using JavaScript in Chapters 8 through 21), so we present Microsoft's VBScript condensed into a single chapter. VBScript is a peer scripting language to JavaScript. It is a subset of Visual Basic. It can certainly be used for client-side scripting, but because it is a Microsoft-specific technology you would probably use it for client-side supporting only on Microsoft Intranet-based applications. VBScript has become the de facto standard for writing server-side Active Server Pages (ASP), which we discuss in detail in Chapter 26. Because we need to discuss VBScript before ASP, we have chosen to include this chapter as the last in our discussion of client-side scripting (so in this book you see VBScript being used for both client-side, and server-side scripting).

Chapter 23, "Electronic Commerce and Security," is a unique chapter for an introductory programming textbook. The Web has caused a complete rethinking of the way systems should most effectively be designed and implemented. E-Commerce is hot! Businesses are reinventing themselves online, incorporating Internet and Web technology into existing systems and new information systems design. The trade publications are abuzz with e-commerce. This chapter discusses the fundamentals of conducting business on the Internet and the Web. Our goal is to give students an understanding of how important this topic is now and how it will continue to be important as they pursue their careers. We present a number of case studies, with the key goal of highlighting the common core of technologies needed to implement e-commerce systems. We emphasize the importance of Internet and Web technology, database technology, security technology and others. Then in the remainder of the server-side programming chapters, we put many of these technologies to work in constructing actual multi-tiered, client/server, database-intensive Web-based systems.

In Chapter 24, we present several major Web servers in use today. We focus on setting up Microsoft's Personal Web Server (PWS) as a simple server with which students can begin to grasp the complexities involved in running a Web site. Three other Web servers -- Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS), the W3C's Java-based Jigsaw Server and Apache (the most widely used server on the Web today) -- are presen ted later in that chapter, with overviews and directions should the student desire to move past the limited functionality and configurability of Personal Web Server. Note: Although we mention these server software packages in our book, our organization does not provide support for them.

A common topic among all three server technologies is the ability to interact with databases. Databases are crucial to any intensive e-commerce application -- maintaining customer lists, product lists, user names and passwords. To that effect, our book offers discussions of a variety of database technologies. In Chapter 17, we cover Microsoft's Tabular Data Control (TDC), which uses an ActiveX control to sort and filter data directly on the client side. Chapter 25 is devoted exclusively to database topics, including an introduction to the Structured Query Language (SQL), the de facto language for querying databases), a discussion of ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Remote Data Services (RDS), which complements the TDC by allowing the client effect state changes in the server-side database. The chapters devoted to ASP, Perl, and Java Servlets all cover implementing database access smoothly into your Web-based applications.

In Chapter 26 we discuss Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP), the first of the three most popular server-side software development paradigms the book presents. Active Server Pages can be programmed in a variety of languages -- by far the most popular of these is Microsoft's VBScript which we discuss thoroughly in Chapter 22. In a typical multitiered Web-based application, there is a top-tier containing the code that interacts directly with the user. This tier, called the client, is usually the browser (such as IE5) rendering a Web-page and executing scripting commands. These commands can be implemented in a variety of languages, but JavaScript has become the de facto standard universal client-side scripting language. Microsoft offers its version of JavaScript which is called JScript. We have tried to use only the common portions of these languages for the client-side scripting code in the book. The bottom tier is the database containing the organization's information. The middle tier, called the server, contains the business logic. Active Server Pages is Microsoft's technology for implementing middle-tier business logic. This a crucial chapter for those readers who will want to implement substantial Web-based applications.

Chapter 27 presents a nice introduction to CGI and Perl, including many real-world, live-code examples and discussions, including demonstrations of some of the most recent features of each of these technologies. As an example, we use Perl's regular expressions and file I/O capabilities to construct a simple search engine.

Chapter 28 covers one of the hottest new technologies -- XML. XML is a language for creating new markup languages. The possible uses for XML are endless. Chess fans might want to transmit marked-up chess moves -- in this chapter we do just that, using JavaScript to interpret XML markup into moving images of chess pieces across a board in an HTML Web page!

In Chapter 29 we discuss Java servlets, a third popular way of building the server side of Web-based applications (the other two are ASP and Perl/CGI). This chapter is included as a "bonus section" for the portion of our audience that is familiar with Java.

Internet and World Wide Web How to Program Companion CD

The CD-ROM at the end of this book contains Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5 and Personal Web Server 4, JASC Software's Paint Shop Pro 5 (30-day evaluation version) and Adobe Acrobat Reader 4. The CD also contains the book's examples and an HTML Web page with links to the Deitel & Associates, Inc. Web site, the Prentice Hall Web site and the many Web sites listed in the Web resources sections of several chapters. If you have access to the Internet, this Web page can be loaded into your World Wide Web browser to give you quick access to all the resources.

For complete CD-ROM installation instructions, use your browser to read the file WELCOME.HTM on the CD. We will be putting additional information on our Web site: deitel/. We do not provide support for the software application programs. However, if you have technical questions about the installation of the CD, please email A timely response will be returned to you. Internet and World Wide Web Programming Multimedia Cyber Classroom and The Complete Internet and World Wide Web Programming Training Course

We have prepared an interactive, CD-ROM-based, software version of Internet and World Wide Web How to Program called the Internet and World Wide Web Programming Multimedia Cyber Classroom. It is loaded with features for learning and reference. The Cyber Classroom is wrapped with the textbook at a discount in The Complete Internet and World Wide Web Programming Training Course. If you already have the book and would like to purchase the Internet and World Wide Web Programming Multimedia Cyber Classroom separately, please call 1-800-811-0912 and ask for ISBN# .

The CD has an introduction with the authors overviewing the Cyber Classroom's features. The 202 live-code example programs in the textbook truly "come alive" in the Cyber Classroom. If you are viewing a program and want to execute it, simply click on the lightning bolt icon and the program will run. You will immediately see -- and hear for the audio-based multimedia programs -- the program's outputs. If you want to modify a program and see and hear the effects of your changes, simply click the floppy-disk icon that causes the source code to be "lifted off" the CD and "dropped into" one of your own directories so that you can edit the text, recompile the program and try out your new version. Click the speaker icon for an audio that talks about the program and "walks you through" the code.

The Cyber Classroom also provides navigational aids including extensive hyperlinking. The Web browser remembers in a "history list" recent sections you have visited and allows you to move forward or backward through them. The thousands of index entries are hyperlinked to their text occurrences. You can key in a term using the "Search" feature and the Cyber Classroom will locate occurrences of that term throughout the text. The Table of Contents entries are "hot," so clicking a chapter name takes you to that chapter.

Students like the hundreds of solved problems from the textbook that are included with the Cyber Classroom. Studying and running these extra programs is a great way for students to enhance their learning experience.

Students and professional users of our Cyber Classrooms tell us they like the interactivity and that the Cyber Classroom is an effective reference because of the extensive hyperlinking and other navigational features. We recently had an email from a person who said that he lives "in the boonies" and cannot take a live course at a university, so the Cyber Classroom was a nice solution to his educational needs.

Professors tell us that their students enjoy using the Cyber Classroom, spend more time on the course and master more of the material than in textbook-only courses. Also, the Cyber Classroom helps shrink lines outside professors' offices during office hours. We have also published the C++ Multimedia Cyber Classroom (2/e), the Visual Basic 6 Multimedia Cyber Classroom and the Java 2 Multimedia Cyber Classroom (3/e).

We would sincerely appreciate your comments, criticisms, corrections and suggestions for improving the text. Please address all correspondence to our email address:


We will respond immediately. Well, that's it for now. Welcome to the exciting world of Internet and World Wide Web programming. We hope you enjoy this look at leading-edge computer applications development. Good luck!

Dr. Harvey M. Deitel Paul J. Deitel Tem R. Nieto About the Authors

Dr. Harvey M. Deitel, CEO of Deitel & Associates, Inc., has 38 years experien ce in the computing field including extensive industry and academic experience. He is one of the world's leading computer science instructors and seminar presenters. Dr. Deitel earned B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. from Boston University. He worked on the pioneering virtual memory operating systems projects at IBM and MIT that developed techniques widely implemented today in systems like UNIX and Windows NT. He has 20 years of college teaching experience including earning tenure and serving as the Chairman of the Computer Science Department at Boston College before founding Deitel & Associates, Inc. with Paul J. Deitel. He is author or co-author of several dozen books and multimedia packages and is currently writing many more. With translations published in Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Basic Chinese, Advanced Chinese, Korean, French, Polish and Portuguese, Dr. Deitel's texts have earned international recognition. Dr. Deitel has delivered professional seminars internationally to major corporations, government organizations and various branches of the military.

Paul J. Deitel, Executive Vice President of Deitel & Associates, Inc., is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management where he studied Information Technology. Through Deitel & Associates, Inc. he has delivered Java, C and C++ courses for industry clients including Compaq, Digital Equipment Corporation, Sun Microsystems, Rogue Wave Software, Computervision, Stratus, Fidelity, Cambridge Technology Partners, Open Environment Corporation, One Wave, Hyperion Software, Lucent Technologies, Adra Systems, Entergy, CableData Systems, NASA at the Kennedy Space Center, the National Severe Storm Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, IBM and many others. He has lectured on C++ and Java for the Boston Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery. He has taught satellite-based Java courses through a cooperative venture of Deitel & Associates, Inc., Prentice Hall and the Technology Education Network. He is the co-author of sixteen books and multimedia packages with Harvey Deitel and is currently writing many more.

Tem R. Nieto, Principal Instructor with Deitel & Associates, Inc., is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he studied engineering and computing. Through Deitel & Associates, Inc. he has delivered courses for industry clients including Sun Microsystems, Digital Equipment Corporation, Compaq, EMC, Stratus, Fidelity, Art Technology, Progress Software, Toys "R" Us, Operational Support Facility of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Nynex, Motorola, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Banyan, Schlumberger, University of Notre Dame, NASA, various military installations and many others. He has co-authored five books and multimedia packages with the Deitels and contributed to several others.

The Deitels are co-authors of the best-selling introductory college computer-science programming language textbooks, C How to Program: Second Edition, C++ How to Program: Second Edition, Java How to Program: Third Edition and Visual Basic 6 How to Program (co-authored with Tem R. Nieto). The Deitels are also co-authors of the C & C++ Multimedia Cyber Classroom: Second Edition -- Prentice Hall's first multimedia-based textbook, the Java 2 Multimedia Cyber Classroom: Third Edition, the Visual Basic 6 Multimedia Cyber Classroom co-authored with their colleague Tem R. Nieto and the Internet and World Wide Web Programming Multimedia Cyber Classroom. The Deitels are also co-authors of The Complete C++ Training Course: Second Edition, The Complete Visual Basic 6 Training Course, The Complete Java 2 Training Course: Third Edition and The Complete Internet and World Wide Web Programming Training Course -- these products each contain the corresponding How to Program Series textbook and the corresponding Multimedia Cyber Classroom. About Deitel & Associates, Inc.

Deitel & Assoc iates, Inc. is an internationally recognized corporate training and publishing organization specializing in programming languages, Internet/World Wide Web technology and object technology education. Deitel & Associates, Inc. is a member of the World Wide Web Consortium. The company provides courses on Java, C++, Visual Basic, C, Internet and World Wide Web programming, and Object Technology. The principals of Deitel & Associates, Inc. are Dr. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel. The company's clients include some of the world's largest computer companies, government agencies, branches of the military and business organizations. Through its publishing partnership with Prentice Hall, Deitel & Associates, Inc. publishes leading-edge programming textbooks, professional books, interactive CD-ROM-based multimedia Cyber Classrooms, satellite courses and World Wide Web courses. Deitel & Associates, Inc. and the authors can be reached via email at


To learn more about Deitel & Associates, Inc., its publications, public seminar schedule and worldwide corporate on-site curriculum, see the last few pages of this book and visit:


Deitel & Associates, Inc. has competitive opportunities in its College Internship Program for students in the Boston area. For information, please contact Abbey Deitel at deitel@deitel.

Individuals wishing to purchase Deitel books and multimedia packages can do so through


Bulk orders by corporations and academic institutions should be placed directly with Prentice Hall -- see the last few pages of this book for worldwide ordering details.
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From the Back Cover

The Complete Internet & World Wide Web Training Course, Second Edition ISBN:


This hands-on, interactive course brings together the world's #1 interactive Web development training CD-ROM, Internet & World Wide Web Programming Multimedia Cyber Classroom, and the outstanding 1,400-page book, Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, Second Edition. Start with XHTML and the basics of Web page coding; then master JavaScript, interactive Web development with DHTML, server-side programming, database integration, and more. You'll find up-to-the-minute coverage of today's hottest technologies -- including ASP, XML, XHTML, Servlets, JSP, even the Wireless Markup Language (WML). Get it -- and become a master Web developer faster than you ever imagined!



The authors can be contacted at: [email protected] Visit:

About the Author
Harvey M. Deitel is one of the world's leading computer science instructors and seminar presenters, and author of twelve books. Paul J. Deitel has taught programming at many of the world's leading companies. Together, they have written seven books, and are principals of Deitel & Associates, a leading global training firm.

Reader review(s):

All that you expect from these authors !, May 19, 2000
Having completed the C++ training package by the same authors, I knew what to expect from this course from the time I dropped it in my Shopping Cart - excellence. Wasted no time shredding the shrink-wrap upon delivery, and this selection is all that it is advertised to be. With little or no previous experience - the average reader will be up to speed in no time by following the steps laid out in the course. (If you are already a true HTML hack this probably isn't the book for you, however.) It's so simple - The next copy I buy will be for my grandmother! I need a sixth star to review this fairly!

One more diamond from the Deitel family, February 9, 2000
I started using the Deitel books while taking C and C++ courses in college. Since then, I followed with Java, Visual Basic, and now this latest gem, Internet & World Wide Web. As always, the example listings are wonderfully documented and the text is very clear. The accompanying CD like those with their other books are of exceptional quality. That is, unlike many other book CDs, these will work in your world on your machine. Until I can take one of their classes, the book will be the best source of hands-on listings, examples and exercises to learn how to program web applications. Like their other books, there are helpful 'tips' and 'common programming errors' sections that bring the objective of writing functional well-written programs into sharp focus.

This Internet book has excellent working listings to demonstrate and explain ActiveX, SQL, ADO, Perl and e-Commerce. The accompanying CD really does have MUCH more.

Comprehensive content but very poorly thought out text., October 19, 2000
I bought this book because i thought its comprehensive content would save me money.

However, it is so unreadable that i am going to have to buy some better books to learn with and save my copy of this for when i need a second opinion on something.

There is just no excuse for computer programmers of all people to be writing a book with english language that is so unconducive to logical interpretation. This is a book where almost every phrase can be interpreted several ways, the active and passive voice are mixed up in the same paragraph, and sentences run on unneccesarily due to sloppy punctuation and grammar. In a nutshell it's as confusing as hell! The writers do not undertsand how to write for beginners; they explain some very obvious things on the one hand and then on the other hand lapse into jargon or mathematical terminology that many readers will not know. Also, the writers suddenly include new terms or concepts whilst barely announcing the fact. They do not bother to provide an introduction to a new concept in simple terms before they launch into an example of its use and i suspect that this is due to laziness or lack of ability by the authors.

I know this because when i encounter something in this book that i have already learnt elsewhere (or when i eventually figure out what the yare trying to say) i can always think of a better more concise way to explain it than they do. My God, they even make HTML seem difficult! I really think the writers should hire somebody else to produce their final manucsripts, cos this is enough to put most people off computers for life!

Good reference book for Web Developers, July 31, 2000
My introduction to this book was as a Information Technology Student at DeVry Institute of Technology in Dallas, Texas. Seeing that there is so much information simply to learn about web development (e.g., ASP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript), I found this book an excellent resource for both the novice as well as the experienced developer. I feel this book provides a "no nosense approach" to programming. It focuses on many of the important aspects of coding in several languages, and provides a very detailed instruction to many complicated areas of web development. I think this book could have provided a lot more examples, which are found in the complete CD/Book series package. However, for the most part, this book is well worth its asking price. And after reading many books on web development, this book provides a general overview of many areas which are crucial for those interested in web page construction.

As good as it gets, February 3, 2000
I teach web page development and design. I have been looking for a really good textbook for the course. This is it. It is also good for those looking for an outstanding non-textbook, since it contains none of the defects often found in such publications.

It is appropriate for computer beginners, and for professionals as well. It covers HTML, JavaScript, DHMTL, XML, CSS, and a multitude of other areas in its 1000+ pages.

The examples given are lucid and useful. They are also contained in the accompanying CD. The layout is ideal. I have used with pleasure the other Deitel books for Java, C, C++, and Visual Basic. All are outstanding. But this one is their best yet. Get it!

Differing Versions of the CDRom Included With Book, September 7, 2000
The book is comprehensive and for the most part well organized. However, not disclosed on the Deitel Web Site, but only buried in the book, is the fact that Microsoft's Visual InterDev 6.0, Profession Edition is included only "to student editions of this book intended for academic use." In the book Deitel says, "Other readers...will need to purchase it separately." I am a graduate student and purchased the book for academic use in a graduate Instuctional Technology course. But because I did not learn of the above information until I had purchased the book from and started to read it, I do no have Visual InterDev 6.0 which is necessary for my course. I guess I needed to buy the book at the University Book Store to qualify. Copies provided to do not quality. I contacted Deitel, explained my problem, and provided them with coourse documentation, professor's name and email, etc., but they refused to exchange CD"s. I believe this information should be available to students before they buy the book.

This book is difficult to follow, December 12, 2000
If you are not an experienced programmer, try a different book. I am a student in an IT program and our first course used this book. It jumps all over the place, introduces new concepts with out telling you, and the exercises can't be done without referencing other material.

Authors have a serious geekness problem.

The Best Web Development book on the Market!, September 28, 2000
If you want to build web development skills, you will not find a more clear, concise and COMPLETE source of information anywhere! This book takes a complete newcomer to web development and during the course of 1084 pages slowly transforms them into and entry-level professional web developer. The book slowly and steadily introduces the Internet and programming novice to Internet terminology, development tools (like FrontPage and Visual InterDev) and technologies (like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Dynamic HTML). Beginning programmers will be glad to know that there is also an introduction to programming concepts presented prior to the appearance of most of the programming scripts in the book.

More advanced developers will find the second half of the book to be EXCEPTIONALLY useful! It is an introduction to cutting-edge web development technologies that are driving the best sites on the web today. If you want to go to your next job interview and actually know what to say when they ask you about ActiveX Controls, SQL, ASP, Perl, CGI, and Java Servlets - then you need to read the second half of this book! Each of these topics is fully introduced in a clear manner with plenty of illustrative examples. Simply put, this book is an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to learn a lot about web development without any prior knowledge. I learned an incredible amount and HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!

Everything youneed and more!, June 25, 2000
Your company wants to train you to be the corporate webmaster. You need to know HTML, ASP, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, VBScript, Perl, Cgi, Active X and so much more. Then you find you that the training budget is limited to one class, what choices do you have?

If you're like me and money is the concern that invest in a self paced, highly detailed cyber classroom instructed training course and Prentice Hall has the right application and book for you to learn from and the authors put together a program will have you programming and coding right from the beginning to the end of the course.

In the book you find screen shots of the finished code, you'll find actual coding examples to follow along with and you'll find everything you need to make short work of the Web design. You will have to practice in order to master the techniques, but the self-pacing of the course gives you as much time as you need.

There are also 2 cd-roms included with the package. The first included Microsoft PWS, IE5, Paint Shop Pro (trial version) and Adobe Acrobat Reader. The other cd is the cyber classroom, packed with examples practice questions and tips for more interactive learning as you go.

Prentice Hall has proven to be a leader in the e-training arena and this package is a first rate example of that commitment to excellence. Visit Prentice Hall's web site for even more books and training courses, you won't be disappointed.

Good Coverage of Internet Topics, January 4, 2000
Its a good book as usual from the Deitel Bros and is a good source of updating the internet terminology that some of you computer grads are not familiar with

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