From the book lists at Adware Report:

All information current as of 02:20:04 Pacific Time, Tuesday, 1 March 2005.

Science: Internet Scavenger Hunts (Internet Made Easy)

   by Maria Chang

    Teaching Resources
    01 July, 2002


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Editorial description(s):

About the Author
Maria Chang is a writer and editor, specializing in science and technology books. She is the author of Early Themes: Life Cycles and Quick-and-Easy Learning Games: Science. She lives with her family in New York City.

Book Description
Instant Reproducibles for 20 Exciting Internet Explorations That Enrich Learning and Get Kids Web-Savvy
Great for Independent Learning!
Where can you find thorough and up-to-date information about space exploration, caves, and dinosaurs? The Internet, of course! Reproducible worksheets filled with reading-comprehension questions and graphic organizers guide students to gather information about exciting science topics, such as sharks, carnivorous plants, roller-coaster physics, the ocean, and more. A perfect way to boost students' learning and Internet research skills!

Reader review(s):

overall a plus.., August 13, 2003
I bought this as a summer enrichment book between 6th and 7th grade for my son. Overall, its a very good book. He responds better to the more humorous line of scholastic books so this one felt a bit too much like school to him to really *take* to with a whole heart.

In school there is an expectaion that the children already know how to search and my son did not. They are getting research projects in early grades...4th in my sons case and probably younger with no real concept of how to find information. This book is a good way to start to learn how to find information. It isnt exactly what I thought it would that where to find the information is on a sholastic web page clearly labeled at the top of every exercise.... that said..its a start.

Children are very computer savvy in alot of ways but I have seen my son try to research a science project and get very frustrated. When trying to find information on dolphin occured to him to list dolphin eyesight but not marine eyesight, dolphin sight, porpoise, dolphin vision, dolphin anatomy....just for example...

I think that this book could have been a bit more helpful in this light. However I will say that the book clearly states it helps *get kids web-savvy* not improve their search ability... that was my interpretation. The other thing is that the children are always directed to a sholastic web page which is noce for safty issues.

I wish this felt more like a game than it does... It feels a bit too much like school for my son to really *enjoy* in a summer-time sense... I think he has found it to be helpful even if he wasn't overly excited (in a fun sense) about the time he spent doing it.

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