From the book lists at Adware Report:

All information current as of 01:43:03 Pacific Time, Wednesday, 19 January 2005.

PC Magazine Best of the Internet (Digital Lifestyle)

   by Don Willmott

    05 January, 2004


   Usually ships in 24 hours

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Editorial description(s):

Book Info
Text provides the top sites of the Internet in more than 100 categories, including stuff for kids, fitness buffs, travelers, hobbyists, culture fans, and just about everybody. Softcover.

About the Author
Don Willmott is a contributing editor to PC Magazine and the genius who compiles the popular Backspace humor page. For four years he managed the magazine';s Web site, penned a weekly online column about the digital lifestyle, and wrote the quarterly Top 100 Web Sites feature. Don has discussed Internet topics on ABC News, CBS News, CNN, NPR, and others.

Book Description
With millions of Web sites out there, how do you find the good ones? Ask your friends at PC Magazine!

Forget those laundry-list catalogs that give you hundreds of URLs and nothing more! Don Willmott, PC Magazine contributing editor, has personally checked out thousands of sites and provided thoughtful summaries of about one thousand that are worth your time. He even sorted the sites into logical categories so you can find what interests you, then selected the best of the best in every one. And just in case that’s not enough, he crammed each chapter with great tips, useful downloads, and stuff that’s just plain fun.

A few of the categories you’ll find

Reader review(s):

lots of good ideas, February 17, 2004
There are so many interesting sites listed and suggestions for ways to save money in here that I think it'll keep me busy exploring for months. Even if you think you know your way around the Web you'll find something new. I'd also suggest it for people who are new to the Web and don't appreciate all that's out there beyond the usual sites that everyone knows. And the "weird" section cracked me up.

Ignores gambling, August 20, 2004
It is an apparent paradox that with the Internet and search engines so accessible, why would you need a book that lists over 1000 useful websites? Google and yahoo can point you to millions. But this very plentitude breeds its own problems. Whose opinions about a website can you deem reliable? Which leaves an important role for PC Magazine (and others). Hence the value of what Willmott gives us. He's one of the editors of this well regarded magazine.

The book has a top-down arrangement based on broad topics like sports, hobbies and computing. Within each are the websites he considers most popular or authoritative.

The biggest flaw in this book is its omission of gambling. Massively popular, and the top websites generate considerable revenue. They can actually charge for usage! How many other websites are as fortunate? Some gambling websites are also changing the real life dynamics of their games. For example, the last 2 world poker championship winners trained via online poker games. Granted, in the US there may be regulatory constraints on offshore betting. But this publisher (Wiley), and surely too the author, sell to a global audience. Non-Americans, in general, do not face such constraints.

Thorough and Engaging, October 15, 2004
I expected this book to be comprehensive, and that it is. What's more, Willmott serves as a useful filter for all the clutter and nonsense that litters the Internet. What surprised me was the level of humor throughout. Willmott's expertise and engaging writing make this book worth returning to again and again.

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