From the book lists at Adware Report:

All information current as of 01:06:42 Pacific Time, Saturday, 19 March 2005.

Mail Order in the Internet Age

   by Ted Ciuba

    Parthenon Marketing Inc
    01 June, 2001


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Editorial description(s):

Internet Marketing Association
Ted is a "Rags To Internet Riches" story. He reveals all his top secrets for big money on the Internet.

Millionaire Magazine
Ted Ciuba cuts right to the chase Period. He will give you an unbeatable marketing edge, regardless of your business

T.J. Rohleder
I've brought in an extra $749,543 from rollig out two of the ideas in your book.

About the Author
Ted Ciuba, author, copywriter, Internet Marketer, seminar promoter, ex-University professor, and ex-oilfield workder, is known as America's Foremost Internet Marketing Consultant. His specialty is helping unknown, beginning Internet Marketers make massive money in minimum time. His students have made $4,737 in their first weekend, $10,822.16 from startup to 72 hours, $17,000 in a single day, and $18,895 in their first 5 weeks. He even had one student who earned $749,543.28 from the application of two of his ideas..."

Book Description
Ted Ciuba shows you how, using only your computer with an Internet connection, working part-time from your home, you can quicky, easily, and safely earn well over $100,000 per year in "Mail Order" in the "Internet Age"

Reader review(s):

This book could change your life..., October 11, 2001
Loved it!

So many people live life with blinders on, not seeing (or wanting to see!) that prosperity and success are theirs for the taking...

That's what this book is all about, removing the negative, work-a-day mindset of America.

Very inspiring, very motivating!

This book REALLY opened my Eyes!, October 1, 2003
We tend to think of "the Internet" as some NEW, Mysterious
entity. Ted Ciuba has shown in this book that the PRINCIPLES of
MAIL ORDER apply to doing business on the internet. Except that, you do NOT have the traditonal EXPENSES that mail order has(postage, mailing lists, envelopes, etc.)

This book REALLY opened my eyes as to WHAT the internet is and how it could be USED to INCREASE my business! Thank you, Ted Ciuba for writing this great book!

Just an Ad for his Course, June 22, 2004
Look for some of the books on Mail Order and Direct Mail that have 5 stars. This isn't one of them. It's mostly an ad for his fairly expensive course.

What Crap, January 13, 2004
This book is a piece of trash. Do not be fooled into buying it.

Buyer beware!!! This is NOT a Mail Order Resource, December 16, 2004
I ordered this book when I was researching the Mail Order industry. I was looking for resources - the title and publisher reviews looked hopeful. In retrospect and now having reviewed the book, I agree with one of the other reviewers that this book is only an advertisement for the author's other courses. No new information was gleaned from this book.

WARNING!! Reading this book WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE..., April 20, 2004
This was my first experience reading a Ted Ciuba book. I didn?t know what to expect.

Ted you?ve EXCELLED!!!

Having had an interest in Mail Order and the Internet I was SOLD after reading this book!

Ted sets out to let the reader know just how EASY it is and boy, does he get that point across! Just by using a couple of the strategies from this book I am already experiencing EXTRAORDINARY GROWTH in my new direct response business. In fact I am using some of these strategies in my own challenge to make $4M US in 9 months on my website where if you visit you can see them in practice.

I must say that after reading ?Think And Grow Rich? by Napoleon Hill (which the author so kindly gave to me at I never thought I'd find another book to compare to it. Well I was wrong!! Although ?Mail Order In The Internet Age? is on a different topic to ?Think And Grow Rich? it is a MATCH in the information stakes!!!

?Mail Order In The Internet Age? IS a GREAT INFORMATION RESOURCE!!!

There is SOOOO much value in it I believe it is well UNDERPRICED. Another testament to this is the page folds and markings I've made throughout the book after only one read! I'll need a new one soon.

Ted, when will you take note of me and increase the price!!!

?Mail Order In The Internet Age? qualifies to be in my DO NOT GO WITHOUT library and I have it marked to re-read at least twice more in the next six months. I guess it won't be long before I'll be back to to purchase another copy.

This is an EXCELLENT book that is set up for the beginner to the advanced Mail Order entrepreneur wanting to get ONLINE, REAL-WORLD ORIENTATED and NO B.S. information and don?t forget the PARTNERSHIP OFFERS included in the book to actually help beginners or advanced entrepreneurs MAKE MONEY from just partnering with Ted.

A SUPER-INFROMATIVE book - A MUST HAVE if you want to make money from Mail Order on the Internet.

Thanks Ted, you?re a legend!!!

Review by Brian Lord - [email protected]

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