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Internet Routing Architectures (2nd Edition)

   by Sam Halabi / Danny McPherson

    Cisco Press
    15 January, 2000


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Editorial description(s):
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) does exactly what its name implies--it routes traffic efficiently from its origin on one network to its destination on another. Most typically, it's the protocol that provides a private network with Internet connectivity. Internet Routing Architectures is an authoritative text on BGP in theory and practice, covering everything from good design of BGP-based internetworks to actual implementation of those internetworks on Cisco Systems routers. This second edition includes more information than its predecessor on BGP-4; other improvements are updates rather than major additions or revisions. You will appreciate having this book on hand if your job has to do with optimizing traffic under BGP, or if you're preparing for one of the Cisco certification exams.

Sam Halabi--a respected authority on Cisco routers--discusses addressing schemes and the ways in which routing protocols operate within those schemes. The general information serves mainly to set the stage for BGP, which Halabi explains lucidly in theory before getting into design issues and, finally, implementation via router configuration. The book presents practical situations ("Multihoming to a Single Provider," for example, which is subsequently broken down into sub-scenarios about how the multiple connections are used) and steps through the design decisions associated with them. It's also big on diagrams and uses one on nearly every other page to drive home points. The result: this book earns its cover price as a tutorial and as a reference. --David Wall

Topics covered: Means of connecting one network to another, especially by means of Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) on Cisco Systems routers. There's coverage of addressing and routing-protocol generalities, as well as of BGP tuning for routing inside and outside autonomous systems. Design decisions are a big part of this book's scope.

Book Info
Explores the ins and outs of interdomain routing network designs with emphasis on BGP-4, the de facto interdomain routing protocol. Provides the user with real solutions for ISP connectivity issues. Previous edition: c1997.

From the Publisher
This invaluable reference provides realistic, practical design solutions from Cisco Systems-the Internetworking authority. - Teaches how to construct and support robust ISP connections to the Internet

- Illustrates Inter

- and Intra-domain routing issues, topologies, and scenarios for practical application

- The only Internetworking book emphasizing domain routing issues and protocols endorsed by Cisco!
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From the Back Cover
The industry¿s leading resource for Internet routing solutions and scenariosExplore the functions, attributes, and applications of BGP-4, the de facto interdomain routing protocol, through practical scenarios and configuration examplesLearn the contemporary Internet structure and understand how to evaluate a service provider in dealing with routing and connectivity issuesMaster the addressing techniques--including Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)--that are demanded today to facilitate the Internet's rapid and continuing growthDevelop optimal routing policies--redundancy, traffic balancing, symmetry, and stability--for your networkLearn how to seamlessly integrate your intradomain and interdomain routing and manage large and growing autonomous systemsInternet Routing Architectures, Second Edition explores the ins and outs of interdomain routing network designs with emphasis on BGP-4 (Border Gateway Protocol Version 4)--the de facto interdomain routing protocol. Using a practical, xample-oriented approach, this comprehensive resource provides you with real solutions for ISP connectivity issues. You will learn how to integrate your network on the global Internet and discover how to build large-scale autonomous systems. You will also learn to control expansion of interior routing protocols using BGP-4, design sound and stable networks, configure the required policies using Cisco IOS Software, and explore routing practices and rules on the Internet. Internet Routing Architectures, Second Edition is your complete resource for Internet routing solutions and scenarios.

About the Author
Danny McPherson is currently Director of Architecture, Office of the CTO, at Amber Networks. Formerly, he held technical leadership positions with four Internet service providers (Qwest, GTE Internetworking, Genuity, and internetMCI), where he was responsible for network and product architecture, routing design, peering, and other business- and policy-related issues. McPherson is an active contributor to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), as well as several other standards bodies. He is an acknowledged expert in Internet architecture and routing protocols. Sam Halabi is the Vice President of Business Development at Extreme Networks, responsible for defining the company's service provider product and business strategy. Recognized as one of the industry's foremost experts in the Service Provider market, Halabi has more than 15 years of experience in complex routing protocols and the design of large-scale IP networks. He is the author of the best-selling book Internet Routing Architectures, a definitive resource for internetworking design alternatives and solutions. Halabi has held various marketing positions with leading data communications companies, including Cisco Systems, 3Com and Pluris. While at Cisco Systems, he led the Company's IP Carrier marketing efforts. An active member in the industry, Halabi serves as a board member of the Optical Internetworking Forum and of the MPLS Forum.

Book Description

The industry¿s leading resource for Internet routing solutions and scenarios

Internet Routing Architectures, Second Edition explores the ins and outs of interdomain routing network designs with emphasis on BGP-4 (Border Gateway Protocol Version 4)--the de facto interdomain routing protocol.

Using a practical, xample-oriented approach, this comprehensive resource provides you with real solutions for ISP connectivity issues. You will learn how to integrate your network on the global Internet and discover how to build large-scale autonomous systems. You will also learn to control expansion of interior routing protocols using BGP-4, design sound and stable networks, configure the required policies using Cisco IOS Software, and explore routing practices and rules on the Internet.

Internet Routing Architectures, Second Edition is your complete resource for Internet routing solutions and scenarios.

Reader review(s):

another must read of network engineers, September 29, 2000
Halabi had no doubt raised the bar for the books to come on internet architecture and so far no one has come close with a book like this. Written by the best in the business today.

I picked it up basically for BGP and it covers all the details of BGP with real world applications. Icky topics like Synchronization, IGP-BGP interaction etc are explained with amazing clarity with diagrams and later on in chapter 10-11 you can see the actual IOS config. I learned a lot from Tuning BGP capabilities chapter which also covers route filtering and route-maps.

Apart from BGP, the entire book is full of useful information. If you have a job in which you have to deal with routing protocols, be it design, implementation, testing, administration you ought to read this book, if nothing else, just for the heck of it.

One of the two BGP bibles, August 29, 2001
If you are looking for a book describing all the things which need to be taken care of when planning and implementing BGP then you will appreciate this book.
Mr Halabi provides a lot of example set-ups which are, for the people working in the Internet networking industry, very familiar. The examples range from a typical customer who wants BGP connectivity to multi-customer and international backbone configurations.
Aside from the many examples, which serve the text well in getting the material understood, Mr Halabi takes care to describe the fundamentals associated with it as well.
However, this is not a book for the faint at heart. Prior knowledge of IP and routing will be useful in order to appreciate this book.
Of course, this books focuses on the Cisco IOS architecture syntax, but the explanations and details will suit anyone willing to learn in-depth about BGP.
The other bible is [Juniper's] John W. Stewart's book: BGP4 Inter-Domain Routing in the Internet. Also a must-read. Having both books will tell you everything you need.

Excellent book for BGP routing architectures, January 10, 2001
I am the architect of a leading MPLS VPN service which uses BGPv4 with MPLS extensions. I constantly refer back to this book for standard BGP scenarios (it has no MPLS VPN info). I have recommended this book to all our techincal support people and our customers for designing BGP peering networks.

The book is well written, well organized and easy to follow. It has great breath of BGP applications. It is a tremendous help for those designing AS peering networks.

It gives a brief overview of internet routing then dives into BGP. After the BGP protocol description, the next part of the book has applications geared around scenarios/case studies. The last part is specific Cisco IOS configurations for the scenarios in the previous part. The scenarios cover, to list a few: load balancing, preference routing (primary/backup), route redistribution, default routes, route summarization, route reflectors and confederations (scaling), damping (stability), policy control (filtering/manipulating routes, attributes and community values).

Note that it is not a BGP specification nor a Cisco IOS reference. A better title would be "BGP Applications".

Excellent Internet Routing (BGP) Reference, January 13, 2000
Halabi's book is the BGP equivalent of Doyle's "Routing TCP/IP, Vol. 1". Without reading this book, I never would have understood BGP and the implications of interdomain routing. I also recommend Radia Perlman's "Interconnections, 2nd Ed."

They should've called this the 'Routing Bible', August 4, 1997
This is, without a doubt, *the* definitive routing reference for the network engineer; and one of the best technical books I have ever read. I usually skip to the back and pick out the parts that interest me; I'm reading this from start to finish, it's that well written. If you need to integrate your LAN with the internet, or if you are a network consultant or ISP tech like me, you need this book. This is required reading.

Outstanding Cisco book ... it rocks., April 6, 2001
Sam Halabi is very well known in the world of routing. This book is well written and organized. It provides an excellent conceptual and technical review of most important intermediate and high-level Cisco topics specially Border Gateway Routing Protocol. I highly recommend this book to anyone. Buy must have this book!!

BGP - CCIE preparation, July 17, 2002
This book is a very well written and with no errors. The first 10 chapters are more theory and expanations. Chappters 11 and 12 include many mini labs with diagrams and configurations covering all you have to know about BGP. It is a great book for CCIE preparation concerning BGP. You can practice all the mini labs with 4-5 routers and serial connections (and ethernet or loopbacks). If you preparing for CCIE you should not attempt without conbining this book with the Solie Book (CCIE: Practical Studies - over 40 mini labs and 5 complete labs) and IPExpert CCIE workbook (Expensive but is Great !!! Includes many mini labs and over a dozen complete CCIE labs with solutions - ...

Absolute Magic, December 18, 2001
Of all the books on networking I have ever read, this is in a league of its own. I have never seen such a complicated topic explained so well. Other authors who write networking books of this level, should speak to this guy on "how to write a book". It manages to join the dots from A to B to C ....etc. and never miss a thing. If you ever hear the word BGP mentioned at in your work place or someone says they are deploying it. buy this book and glue it to your hand. After Reading this book, you could sucessfully deploy a BGP network, no problems. In my opinion, lots of books out there on this level of networking aren't worth the paper there printed on.

For GOD sake, other authors wake up and pay attention.

From what I've heard..., September 6, 2000
...the first edition was the standard-bearer for information on BGP (so much so that everyone I know called it "The BGP Book"). After briefly reviewing the second edition I know what they meant. This book covers EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about routing at the ISP level. Lots of technical information, and the content is significantly more thorough and detailed than other Cisco books. A must have...

I can now say that I understand BGP, June 2, 1999
The book was very easy to read for a networking literate individual. The book builds up to advanced topics and walks you through sample configurations. I now feel confident about my knowledge of BGP.

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