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Building ASP.NET Server Controls

   by Rob Cameron / Dale Michalk

    01 December, 2003


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Editorial description(s):

Book Info
Text shows how to move to the next level in ASP.NET development and build custom server controls with ASP.NET 1.1, Visual Studio .NET 2003, and the .NET Framework 1.1. For intermediate to advanced users. Softcover.

About the Author
Rob Cameron is employed with Microsoft Corporation in Atlanta, Georgia. He has been with Microsoft since 2000, working in premier support where he provides issue escalation management and developer advisory services to Fortune 500 enterprise development teams. Prior to his employment at Microsoft, Rob worked as an independent consultant developing software on the Microsoft platform for over 5 years. He has a master’s degree in Information technology management and a bachelor’s degree in computer science. A former Naval officer and Naval Academy graduate, Rob enjoys spending his free time with his wife and two daughters.

Dale Michalk is employed with Microsoft Corporation in Dallas, Texas. He has been with Microsoft since 2001. He helps promote .NET as a development platform and assists companies interested in migrating to new technologies like ASP.NET. A former Army officer and West Point graduate, he spends his free time chasing after his 2-year-old daughter, who keeps him extremely busy.

Book Description

This tutorial and reference will benefit you, the dedicated ASP.NET developer. If you understand the gains of object-oriented development, and want to apply those principles to ASP.NET and server control development, then this book will be your guide!

In fact, this book is the most up-to-date text available on the market. Hot, new topics of discussion include mobile server control development (for supporting mobile phone web application development), and how to utilize the latest versions of Visual Studio .NET 2003 and the .NET Framework 1.1.

Reader review(s):

Stop here...Buy This Book!, December 24, 2003
OK, first off I am not sure what the other reviewer was ralking about...he gave the book 5 stars, but take note that this is not an ASP book (see the title), and this is not from Microsoft is from Apress. Now that I have said that, I want to go on with my review.

First of all there are only a few books out there like this now, and none of them come close to this one. This one will really teach you how to write your own server controls, and will show you how to do it for ASP.NET using C#...oh yeah, they use Visual Studio.NET (thankfully) and they also do it code behind (there is no other way for server controls, but in general they use VS.NET like it should be). The code which can be downloaded from Apress also works, and is updated for VS.NET 2003.

In regards to the book, the author(s) make this book a fairly easy read. The first few chapters go through a bit of ASP.NET and then explains about HtmlControls and WebControls. The author explains the differences between the two, and when and why to use each one in a specific scenario. The book goes on to talk about OOP in general and how it fits in (they don't expalin OOP, but they show it and make passing references, not a lot...throughout the book, I have seen less than a total page worth, but they put it in the right spots). The chapter on Viewstate is excellent, and the chapter on binding and creating your own repeater server control inheriting from the DataRepeater was an eye-opener.

The last 5 chapters in the book deal with more complicated server controls. The author dedicates time to speak about mobile controls...I read it quickly since I don't really do that, but it seemed good. Then there is a chapter which puts a lot of things together (everything you have read in the book so far) and shows how to make an image gallery (well sort's more than just a gallery of course). The last chapter deals with how to use the Google API and create your own search engine...which was very cool.

The author dedicates time explaining attributes and how they are used for server controls. He also spends time showing how to create a server control that can be easily put into VS Designer, which is good for someone selling a custom control. There is so much more to say, but Amamzon limits my words to 1000, and I have not slept in 36 hours...deadlines, and this book helped a ton!

Just to end off, this book is C# (not VB.NET), and it is for advanced programmers working with ASP.NET...this book did not give a primer on C# or ASP.NET (thanks Dale/Rob). The authors know what they are talking about, and the book is easy to read.


Excellent guide to creating custom ASP.NET server controls, February 25, 2004
I really like this book. Chapters 1-3 are rudimentary in that they explain the different types of server controls (html controls vs. web controls, and user controls vs. custom controls). Towards the end of chapter 3, however, you get into the real work that pays dividends. You create a custom web control that inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox. Great stuff! Then the authors provide a quick overview of design-time attributes since these are found in the automatically generated code when creating a new web control library.

The remaining chapters, 4-14, are progressively more advanced and discuss custom control state management, adding events to your controls, data binding, mobile controls, validation, and design-time support (among other topics). You gradually learn how to create very sophisticated custom controls that reduce your need for any 3rd party components. This book is simply a must for anyone serious about leveraging the power of inheritance to implement very useful - and ultimately time-saving - custom controls.

The authors also explain concepts in a clear, straightforward manner and assume little regarding the reader's knowledge of controls. Rob told me in person that he put a lot of effort into this book, and his hard work is evident by the quality of what's written in Building ASP.NET Server Controls. Buy it today and watch your code benefit from it.

How to write server controls the right way, March 7, 2005
Excellent spiral approach to custom controls. This book hits
the ground pushing best OO practices and use of the helper
classes and methods from the API. Examples build toward
very professional code. Prose is lucid, clear and friendly.
Flow is fluid and well paced. What more can you ask for?

Guzel bir kaynak., January 31, 2005
Guzel bir kaynak. Bana degisik gelen bir yontemle konulari anlatiyor. Bu sayede bir derste birkac konuyu ogrenebildim. Dogrusu hos da oldu. Ornegin WebControl sinifindan miras almayi anlatirken aslinda Style sinifini anlatarak konuya baslamis. Degisik alternatiflerle Control ve WebControl siniflarini kiyaslamis ve denetim yazarken ne zaman hangisini miras alacagimizi da guzelce aciklamis. Bu benim icin biraz puslu bir nokta idi. Diger yandan sablonlu denetimler konusundan da basari ile cikmis. Sablonlu ve veri bagli denetimler benim icin tam bir karmasa idi. Bu konudaki MSDN makalesinin (RssFeed) hakkini da yememek lazim. Sonucta artik sablonlu ve veri bagli denetim yazabiliyorum, simdi tasarim zamani ile ilgili bolumlerdeyim. Bu kisma kadar bile olsa kendisini ispatladi. Kutuphanemde saygiyi hak eden bir yer edindi.

So much precious informations for writing good designed SC, November 17, 2004
Server control in ASP.Net is not so much documented. Each "professional" book have only 1 or 2 chapter on client control and server control. Client server are easy to create but are not versatile like server control. In this book, the author's take time to explain every aspect to create rich and smooth server control with OOP in mind. They explain Event and Delegate like real teacher. Not like professional programmer!!
Style, validation, client script and much much more are explain in detail.
But this book is not for beginner programmer. Intermediate programmer with some basic in ASP.Net and C#,Java, VB.Net or C++ will, with no problem be able to understand and appreciate this book.

Good reading. Take in mind that in 2005, we will have to read another ten to twelve books to understand Vs.2005!!!!
For no more money in the pocket...

useless book, waste of money, July 2, 2004
Very bad book. Deeply disapointed, because i didn't learn one singel peace of information. i started to read the book and very soon realised this is at least not for me. I think this book is for someone who already know anything about the subject. the book is confusing, i can't understand it, there is no order, to me is just a big bag of chaos. i'm about 4 years in computer world and i think that this book will be understod of someone who is 50 years in the bussiness. okey, not 50, say 10 years.

if you want to learn how to code ordinary and powerfull server controls this is definitly not the book. if you want to code server controls which composes of 4 hyperlinks! and if you want to get bored to death and if you want to hear a bit of philosofy lessons and if you want to get frustrated this is definitly book for you!
what a waste of money..
This book will be useful if you already know everything about the subject and you want to hear somebody elses point of view on the subject and get what is going on behing the scenes of the subject you have been working with in months and years.
And also, why does this book have 800 pages, it's comletely overkill, i scanned every chapter and underchapter and it's always the same. if you, i don't know, look in the chapter 7 e.g and chapter 2 or 3 you ask your self 'what's the difference?'..
Maybe i'm wrong but this is precisely the way i experienced the book..i red the first and bit of next chapter and rest of the book i have just scanned but i pretty sure about what i'm talking about.


A Masterpiece, December 22, 2003
Ever wanted to learn everything and anything about ASP? This is your book. It's a little expensive, as with most Microsoft books, but you get what you pay for. Aspiring web developers looking to bump their game up a notch should read this.

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