From the book lists at Adware Report:

All information current as of 14:30:01 Pacific Time, Monday, 21 February 2005.

Loosely Coupled: The Missing Pieces of Web Services

   by Doug Kaye

    Rds Associates Inc
    August, 2003


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Editorial description(s):

John Hagel, III, management consultant and author of Out of the Box
Essential reading for anyone seeking to deploy this technology.

Scott Mace, IT journalist and radio/even producer
...a visionary overview

John McDowall, CTO, Grand Central Communications
Anyone in charge of e-business must read this book.

Scott Mace, IT journalist and radio/even producer
...a visionary overview

John Seely Brown, former chief scientist, Xerox and director or Xerox PARC, and co-author of The Social Life of Information
What a treat! This book is the real missing link to web services.

About the Author
Doug Kaye is a highly respected IT-strategy consultant and lecturer. He is the author of the IT Strategy Letter, a weekly newsletter. His first book, Strategies for Web Hosting and Managed Services (John Wiley & Sons, 2002, ISBN ) is regarded as the ultimate authority for the web-hosting industry and its customers. Kaye's IT career spans nearly three decades during which he has served in a variety of CEO and CTO positions.

Book Description
Loosely Coupled is the first book to address the advanced issues of web services--currently the hottest topic in IT. While the authors of earlier web-services books approached the topic through the technologies and protocols (which are changing on a month-to-month basis), Doug Kaye has collaborated with the field's most respected technologists to create the ultimate strategic guide to web services for IT managers and executives.

Loosely Coupled addresses the most difficult aspects of web services including security, reliable messaging, and long-lived loosely coupled asynchronous transactions. These are the concepts of web services that the experts agree will ultimately be the most important, but for which the standards, protocols, and tools don't yet exist. Doug Kaye explains these missing-piece challenges, describes the ultimate solutions, and helps the reader develop a web-services strategy for his or her organization.

Reader review(s):

"A Reader" Missed the Point -- This is a Great Book!, February 1, 2004
The reader who wrote the January 28, 2004 review of this book apparently failed to read the book's description. "Loosely Coupled" purposely avoids any listings or references to specific protocols and standards. It's not a how-to cookbook. Instead this is a true *strategy* book in which the author explains the underlying concepts and issues of web services.

Almost all other books out there are of the how-to cookbook variety. They walk through the protocols, demonstrating how to build Web Services. They're valuable, to be sure, but "Loosely Coupled" is a unique book that explains the *problems* that the Web Services are in tended to solve, and how they solve them. It's a "how-to-think" book. If you want cookbook-style code examples, indeed look elsewhere. This book won't meet your needs. But if you want to get the big picture including deployment options and project-management strategies, this really is the best book I've found so far. The author is coming at this top-down (i.e., from a management perspective), not bottom-up (from the coder's view), but it's great for readers of a wide range of technical proficiency.

OTOH, as "A Reader" says, if you want the best how-to book on Web Services security, Mark O'Neill's book is the best book I've found that deals exclusively with that topic.

So, who should really read this book?, January 28, 2004
This book basically explains what was prior to web services and why it was bad. Then it lists advanced features to be addressed in order for web services to work in real life. However, it seems to be totally out of touch with today's reality in which those very issues are being addressed as we speak.

When discussing security, trust, and authorizaton, the author takes his time to beat SSL to death, but does not even mention the standards directly addressing end-to-end security and authorization, such as XML-Security, WS-Security, XKMS, SAML etc. Liberty Aliance and Microsoft Passport are mentioned once in a single sentence as technologies that "support single sign-on". Granted, those technologies are still in flux, but, contrary to the editorial review, they do NOT change on the month-to-month basis, but are there to stay. They are backed up by the industry and have several commercial and open-source implementations. Without the knowledge of at least those buzzwords, one would fail miserably an interview on an architect, developer, manager, or an executive position related to web services.

Some abbreviations, like WSN (web services network) appear to be the author's invention not corresponding to anything real out there. Just try to search on the internet, and the closes match would probably be "Western Society of Naturalists" or "Wedding Services Network".

Some of the author's opinions seem to come from nowhere, not being backed up by any references. For instance, his view of XML firewall that may, among other things, do billing (p. 208) is a bit strange. It's always been a part of the business logic ... or should firewalls distinguish prefered customers, promotional rates, holiday specials, etc. ... :)? The same applies to XML firewalls doing XML conversion (commonly part of the business logic performed as part of a business workflow).

When discussing web services orchestration and transactions, the author does not mention ebXML, BPEL, BTP, WS-Transaction, WS-Coordination, etc. Again, I understand this is a book of concepts, but it should've at least mentioned the most important web services-related buzzwords to keep its readers in touch with reality.

To summarize, I just don't see how this book could benefit its targeted audience (developers, arhitects, managers, and IT executives) in making educated decisions about web services technology.

I'd recommend reading "Web Services Security" by Mark O'Neill et al just to compare the coverage of security. This book also does not contain a single line of code and explains web security concepts to architects and developers. However, Mark is totaly relevant and up-to-date, cleraly riding the web services wave.

High-level & contextual w/multi audiences, June 15, 2004
This is a book of concepts and context that clearly explains what web services are and are not. If you are seeking a technical book with how to approaches this is not it. It is also not a book about architecture or low-level technical details.

I like the way Mr. Kaye divides the book into intended audiences, and the clarity he brings to a topic that is still confuses because of hype, misconception and competing vendor definitions that not surprisingly are slanted towards products.

Understanding how this book is structured and for whom each part is intended will give insight into the content and why this book is an invaluable aid to looking at web services in a clear perspective:

- all readers will benefit from reading the first ten chapters, which cover perspectives (history, definitions, critical pieces that make up web services), and concepts (history of integration, relationships between web services and objects and service oriented architectures, and other factors). Some of this material is either basic or will not be of interest and can be safely skipped. It does cover the landscape of foundation material in a thorough, highly readable manner.

- developers and managers will benefit from technologies (chapters 11-15), which cover the following factors as they specifically relate to web services: transactions, security, and deployment options. This material is an aggregation of both the author's wide and extensive industry experience, and the knowledge and experience of his clients and industry contacts. I consider these chapters to be tried and true advice from the trenches.

- managers and executives are the target audience of strategies, which are covered in five on-the-mark chapters that address project approaches, timing, and [importantly] service level agreements. External services are also covered in this part of the book. The final part of the book is an appendix that is a strategic checklist that is so thorough and comprehensive that it can be used to both scope the complexity of a web services project and as a basis for a work breakdown structure for the project itself.

From the points of view of perspective, concept, and real world advice this is one of the best resources I've discovered on web services. Added value comes from the discussions board and supporting material on the author's website (ASIN B0000A2MOK).

Buy this book!, September 21, 2003
If you are an architect or manager and need to understand web services at a strategy and conceptual level then this is the book to purchase. The writing style is top notch. This book should be purchased in conjunction with Developing Web Services by Ramesh Naggapan.

Taking website projects to the next level, June 21, 2003
Loosely Coupled: The Missing Pieces Of Web Services by Doug Kaye (CEO of RDS Strategies, LLC) is a 352-page instructional guide for advanced website developers and programmers to learning more about topics such as transactions, security, reliable asynchronous messaging, and more. While Loosely Coupled does not cover the basics of web services, such as creating source code or XML fragments; it is a first-rate resource for extending the capabilities of a website designer to taking their website projects to the next level.

The Right Web Services Book, May 19, 2003
A well-written fast read, with an unusually effective balance between the business and technical perspectives. Doug Kaye has a terrific understanding of technology history, and his discussion around the evolution of Web services provides a fantastic context. If you read only one book on Web services, this is it.

Comprehensive yet very easy-to-read, May 19, 2003
Bounced into this book while searching for background information to bring my sales force up to speed with web services.

I must admit that I was at first a little sceptical because Web service is a broad subject (and not always well understood) and I had my doubts about being able to package into a single book. But given that the outline seemed interesting, I decided to give it a chance.

I was *VERY* pleasantly surprised! "Loosely-coupled" is great book: It is comprehensive yet easy to read. It provides thoughtful insight on what web services are and how they can help you address complex integration challenges.

A lot of people compare Web services to RPC over XML/HTTP. Doug does a great job of describing how web services can be much more: Instead, think of web service as a loosely-coupled, asynchronous backbone where applications can exchange events and documents...It will help you challenge your assumptions regarding application integration and offer new perspectives about how to address this daunting problem.

We looked at a number of "Web services" books. This one is definitely in the top three!

Excellent for executives and IT decision makers, May 19, 2003
This book provides an excellent explanation of why companies should be looking at Web services. It approaches the topic with an honest and straightforward description of the problem space Web services are targeted to address and the characteristics/short comings of those technologies as they exist today and as they are expected to evolve. Perfect for IT decision makers who are evaluating how/where Web services fit in their corporate IT strategy.

An excellent overview for technical decision-makers, December 19, 2004
This book is extremely helpful for decision-makers who are considering proposals for implementing web services. It is not designed for the architect or programmers but provides an outstanding overview of the key issues. I particularly appreciated the chapter on how to decide what type of project to undertake and assess its complexity and proposed schedule.

I really hope that Mr. Kaye comes out soon with a book with very practical advice on how to use web services to integrate specific COTS such as Oracle Financials, etc. with other applications. The idea of web services sounds great, but as a veteran of two projects now that are using some form of web services, it is not as easy as one would like. Mr. Kaye clearly defines some of the issues. Now lets have a follow-up that helps us with the next phase.

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