From the book lists at Adware Report:

All information current as of 10:27:05 Pacific Time, Tuesday, 8 February 2005.

Latin America: Paid Dial-Up Internet Subscriber Accounts Update

   by Yankee Group

    01 February, 2001


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Editorial description(s):

Book Description
The growth of paid dial-up Internet access subscriber accounts suffered a setback during 2000. Numerous competing free ISPs diluted paid subscriber account growth and revenues. Total free ISP accounts, including ISPs Tutopia, Gratis1, and Internet Group (IG), pulled ahead of total paid subscriber accounts in the fourth quarter of 2000. At their peak, free Internet access accounts commanded 51% of total dial-up accounts in the region. However, free ISPs such as Gratis1 have discontinued access services, and Tutopia and IG are showing signs of transforming their services to generate access revenues. The Yankee Group believes that paid dial-up Internet access growth will experience a revival throughout Latin America in 2001 as ISPs increasingly focus on the bottom line. Even as broadband Internet access through cable and ADSL continues to grow, and service providers extend Internet access and content to wireless/mobile devices, ISPs will continue to fight to increase their dial-up account market share.

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