From the book lists at Adware Report:

All information current as of 19:27:18 Pacific Time, Monday, 21 February 2005.

Internet Appliance Global Market Dynamics and Forecast: 1999-2004

   by e-Market Dynamics

    01 December, 1999


   Available for download now

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Editorial description(s):

Book Description
Defining the worldwide market dynamics and rate of growth for information appliances, this report is based on an analysis of consumer-focused technology initiatives announced and also under development. The ongoing development of screenphones, including market testing by Pacific Bell, the adoption of NetTV and the recent introduction of Web-capable cellular phones are also forecast. For each major technology initiative, a market forecast is provided in addition to an analysis of each technology's strengths and weaknesses in driving Internet adoption in existing non-PC households.

Reader review(s):

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