From the book lists at Adware Report:

All information current as of 03:09:08 Pacific Time, Monday, 21 February 2005.

Advertising Relevance and Results in the Age of the Internet

   by David Kenny / Aspatore Books Staff

    Aspatore Books
    01 December, 2001


   Available for download now

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Editorial description(s):

Download Description
Advertising Relevance and Results in the Age of the Internet, written by David Kenny (CEO, Digitas), focuses on topics such as the future of the advertising industry, the everlasting effects of the Internet and technology, client relationships, compensation, buying media, getting noticed, working in teams, building and sustaining brands, and other important topics. This chapter features "real world intelligence" knowledge excerpts on the advertising industry and is a great quick read summarizing the future of advertising and the major topics currently affecting the industry. The chapter also features proven management strategies practiced by this executive that can be altered or adapted upon for your own business. An insider's look inside the world of advertising makes for exciting and highly interesting reading for CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, and every marketing, advertising and PR professional at any level. This chapter originally appeared in the book Inside the Minds: Leading Advertisers, also published by Aspatore.

Reader review(s):

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