From the book lists at Adware Report:

All information current as of 01:51:35 Pacific Time, Wednesday, 19 January 2005.

Worldwide and North American Software Sales Forecast, 2002-2007: The Impact of the Internet

   by IDC / Steve McHale / Julie Gage / Rob Notarfonzo

    IDC Research
    08 November, 2004


   Available for download now

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Editorial description(s):

Book Description
The Internet continues to act as an important sales and delivery vehicle for software and underlying licenses, but vendors are only beginning to tap into its true potential. Through 2007, electronic license sales and software downloads will continue to increase at strong rates, providing strong opportunities for vendors with the right products and channel strategies to expand their market opportunities and serve existing customers better. "The Internet remains an extremely important tool for vendors to more effectively sell their products and for their partners to find new ways to deliver value," said Steve McHale, vice president of research in the Software Business Strategies group at IDC. "Through 2007, more end users will purchase more software and manage more assets than they have before. The players that understand how to capitalize on the available tools will gain or maintain potentially significant market share."

Reader review(s):

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