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Microsoft Probes Spyware System Attack

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More entertainment in the spyware industry: Microsoft now recommends you purchase an anti-virus program to fix the security holes in their own security products.

REDMOND, Wash. Feb 10, 2005 Microsoft Corp. is investigating a malicious program that attempts to turn off the company's newly released anti-spyware software for Windows computers.

Stephen Toulouse, a Microsoft security program manager, said the program, known as "Bankash-A Trojan," could attempt to disable or delete the spyware removal tool and suppress warning messages. It also may try to steal online banking passwords or other personal information by tracking a user's keystrokes.

To be attacked, Toulouse said a user would have to be fooled into opening an e-mail attachment that would then start the malicious program. He said the company had not seen any evidence so far that the program is widespread.

Toulouse said Redmond-based Microsoft was recommending that users who believe they might be infected use antivirus software, such as products made by Symantec Corp. or McAfee Inc., to try to remove it.

From ABCNews

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Posted by Rich at February 11, 2005 11:27 AM | TrackBack

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